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  • Writer's picturebexyoga

Are you ready to explore real life changing yoga?

Updated: Aug 25, 2019

Have you planted the intention to try a yoga class time and time again but fear of the unknown and negative self talk have stopped you? "I don't want people watching me." "I don't know what I'm doing". "My body isn't built for Yoga." "I'm too old." If you've heard these before, you are not alone. The media portrays thin, young, flexible yogi's standing on a mountain in perfect alignment. Although beautiful, this is not exactly what yoga is about. Yoga has morphed into a commercialized exercise program. True Yoga is intended for all body types, limitations and restrictions and level of ability. Saying you're too inflexible for yoga is like saying you're too dirty to have a bath. Yoga is about learning about your own mind body connection and using that to discover your capabilities and false limitations. There are eight limbs of traditional yoga. Only ONE of them are Asanas (yoga poses) and few are the twisted pretzel poses you see in pictures. Traditional yoga utilizes 7 other limbs (tools) used in yoga to find deeper connection to yourself. Uncover your samskaras: discover psychological imprints that have created negative self talk. Learn to release that negativity through your body movement with use of your breath and focus of your mind. Create space to foster positive impressions and grattitude for the beauty in our lives. By exploring our shadows and refocusing our thoughts, we create lasting change our lives. When searching for a studio, look for registered yoga instructors who are trained in a traditional practice and integrate mind and body. Consider private instruction to start. Your money will be well spent.

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