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  • Writer's picturebexyoga

10 Tips for Unplugging

Today more than any time on earth, we are more connected that we could have ever imagined. Connected to information, entertainment, learning, our friends. Everything at our fingertips to save time...instantly. Yet we take so little time to connect with ourselves. To get quiet, without distractions, time to unplug and reset, time to get quiet and really listen to our inner guidance, time to heal and reconnect with why we are really here -

our true spirit. Here are a few tips to unplug on a daily basis and achieve greater joy in your life.

1. NOTICE YOUR BREATH! - Take deeper, slower breaths. You only have so many in your lifetime, make them count!

2. TAKE A TIME OUT - Take time (even a minute) to sit in quietness, no noise, no distractions, no devices and refer to #1.

3. CREATE A SANCTUARY - Create a calming space that promotes relaxation. For me it is a comfortable spot to sit, a blanket, relaxing music, a tea, pictures of my girls, my salt lamp, plants and essential oils. Then repeat #1 and #2.

4. GRATITUDE - Notice the things that you are grateful for including #1, #2 and #3.

5. REFLECT - Take time to realize your biggest challenge at the moment then repeat #1, #2, #3 and #4.

6. ASK FOR GUIDANCE - Your soul is listening! The universe is listening! Ask and repeat steps 1 - 5.

7. JOURNAL - Begin with "Today I reflected on ______ and this is what i learned: _______".

8. GET OUT IN NATURE - Go for a walk. Sit on a park bench. This is step 3 already done for you. Repeat steps 1 - 7.

9. SMILE - Just like any other physical practice, this releases feel good hormones and releases stress


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